‚Times of Change‘ at the 2019 EAA Meeting
GfA members Inga Siebke and Sandra Lösch (Bern, Switzerland) are co-organisers of session #243 at the 25th meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), 4 to 7 September 2019 in Bern (Switzerland), entitled
Times of change: Late Neolithic lifestyle and population dynamics in Central Europe
The session aims to bring together specialists from different disciplines working on Late Neolithic and early Bronze Age material to increase understanding of the transformative processes that shaped this period. The organisers intend to provide a platform for discussions to obtain a bigger picture and state-of-the-art knowledge about lifestyle and population dynamics of the Late Neolithic and early Bronze Age in Central Europe.
Besides Ms Siebke and Ms Lösch, the session is organised by Johannes Krause (Jena, Germany) and Noah Steuri (Bern, Switzerland).
Abstracts for presentations at the session can be submitted until 14 February 2019 through the EAA submission system. Get more information from the meeting’s website.